AEHT: Exclusive Wine Seminar in Maribor, Slovenia

Dear AEHT member schools,
The Vocational College for Catering and Tourism Maribor and Wine School BELVIN are from 25th to 27th of September 2014 hosting the WSET seminar where the participants will be able to recieve the internationally approved certificate of WSET®.
The Old Vine Festival in Maribor (from 19th to 28th September 2014) is the main event in the cycle of events 'From Vine to Wine', from pruning to St Martin’s Day celebrations, which we prepare in the honour of the Old Vine, the oldest vine in the world. The Old Vine is Maribor’s greatest ethnographic sight, which symbolises the rich wine culture of Maribor and Štajerska region.
Attached you can find more details about the seminar and all other information can be found at the AEHT website:
We are looking forward to meeting you in Maribor!
Kind regards,
Lidija Šijanec
Attachment - WSET Newsletter